That’s the Yt regarding flickering lines and these are on the 8.0 list, which means they need fixing before shipping. And yes these are super high priority. As a matter of fact, these are currently being worked on.
We just made a fix for the flickering lines. Hopefully you’ll see improved results with the next beta (which we hope to release tomorrow).
We also made a change to try and reduce the differences in SSAO for arctic/rendered display between when dynamically moving the camera and when the scene is still.
Awesome! Thank you very much.
Looking forward to explore the next beta!
For the last video where arctic mode is flickering, are you using the trackpad to adjust the camera, a mouse, the keyboard…?
We are able to repeat some flickering for wires under certain conditions and are looking into it now.
Hi Andrea,
Try running TestForceUseWireVbos
in Rhino. Please let me know if it helps with the flickering wires.
We are seeing this setting fix most situations and will have this turned on by default in the next beta.
@stevebaer also, this is pretty difficult to explain by screen recording, but:
even if in theory the visualisation framerate seems to be better in v8 when calculated with TestMaxSpeed
, turning around / panning even simple models in v8 has a very strange feeling to me, it’s considerably less “fluid” and smooth enough in a sense, as if the framerate / refresh rate of the view wasn’t fast enough: it produces “ghost” uncomfortable images to the eyes – while the same thing done with v7 running under Rosetta is not disturbing at all.
Could you try to compare v7 and v8 on a Mx MacBook, simply with:
– creating a new file, drawing a box
– default shaded mode, perspective view, ZoomExtent on the view
– rotating and panning the view with the trackpad
And see if the two versions behave differently to you eyes too?
Or is it just my M1 MBP not good enough to run v8 without producing “ghost” images due to a slow refresh rate / lag of the geometry (we are talking about an empty file with one Box, anyway).
I know it can be considered as a “detail”, and I would agree if I didn’t have to spend hours modelling on a daily basis. TBH I am pretty worried about that eye stress (how do you properly call it in english?) on the long term.
What is contradictory to me, is that Metal on Rhino seems to excel in handling big files and in performing calculations, but it feels “wrong” / “eyes-disturbing” (not only for the flickering lines but also for this issue I am trying to report here), when it comes to basic 3D visualisation.
Also, to whoever runs Rhino on Silicon boards: can you report your own experience with Metal?
Here is a new internal beta build which should fix the “Canada” model (first video two posts up). The model for the second video is being looked at. It looks like blue geometry that is set to rendered mode is showing edges when it shouldn’t.
There’s this flickering issue, but most important, the standard 3D visualisation (turning the camera, panning) is broken.
Again, it’s difficult to screen-capture as the recording uses a different framerate / refresh rate.
Is it at least a recognised issue at McNeel?
I do not see any differences and am using a trackpad as well. An M1 should be more than adequate for running Rhino 8. I also don’t see the crazy flickering in arctic like you show in your video. The flicker due to changing from lower quality to higher quality SSAO should only happen once and only when you are done moving the camera.
Have you customized your trackpad settings on Mac? Here are my settings.
Please run SystemInfo
in Rhino and post the results here. I would like to see if anything is different with your configuration than what I am looking at.
This is what my Rhino 8 looks like
There is no perfect solution for this and it exists in OpenGL as well. This is why the TestZBiasFactor command exists as there are always camera configurations that can cause the wires to dip behind the shaded triangles. I’ll keep working on this. By the way, I can repeat the same flickering in your “Canada” model under OpenGL with Rhino 7 with the camera in certain configurations.
Can you send me the model in the second video where you are showing flickering in wireframe? Also, please send it with the viewport set up so it immediately shows this flickering. This may be caused by something else and I would like to try and reproduce the issue.
Also, please send me the model with the orange surface in shaded mode. This looks similar to the issue you are seeing with flickering in arctic mode while using the track pad.
Rhino v7 – smooth camera movements
Rhino v8 – stuttering
Here are the original screencapture files, if you wanna have a look in higher quality.
rhino metal (11.9 MB)
The next beta will include a TestDynamicSSAO
command that will let you turn off the downgrading of SSAO during camera manipulations like the trackpad issue described above.
Is it how Rhino 7 behaves?
Anyway, what about the main problem: the stuttering visualisation?
Here is a daily internal build with the new TestDynamicSSAO command in it
If you install this build and run TestDynamicSSAO, you should not see any difference in SSAO quality when moving the camera with the trackpad.