R8 - Another Printing Bug - Issue With Block Graphics When Printing

I’m not sure if this is related to the larger, ongoing printing issues right now or if this is something to do with blocks specifically but I’ve been pulling my hair out trying to figure out the issue.

I hope I’m just misunderstanding the By Object, By Parent, etc. relationship of how hatches carry through into layout space?

Here’s what my embedded toilet block looks like in Model Space. It’s a 3D model with a 2D curves/hatching set for clean representation of the toilet in Plan views:

And here is what it prints like with Rhino PDF:

Regardless of what I change in Grasshopper on the Model Object prior to baking it seems to always print black or wireframe:

Output Color Set To Display Color in the Print Settings will show the preview “correctly” but it will not print like this:

I’m attaching the toilet block file:
Plumbing_Toilet_Floor_Mounted_Generic.3dm (2.3 MB)

Any help or leads in resolving this would be very welcomed!

I’m reporting as a bug for now as I think it’s not performing as expected.

Plumbing_Toilet_Floor_Mounted_Generic.pdf (89.0 KB)

Here is my export, I had to switch the Hatch’s print color from By layer to White.

Thanks @tay.othman did you print from the block file itself?

My issue is that im embedding this block into another Rhino file via Grasshopper.

And I can’t get it to print like you said when it’s nested/embedded into another file

Yes, Linked to Another File

So the layer color is the issue… Hmm thank you so much for testing this!

I have the block set to By Object which should override the layer color but since that is not working I’ll use this By Layer method for now as workaround.

Thanks for your help!

You’re welcome, there are 2 colors to deal with, Display color and print color and they can be confusing.

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Yes for sure, I need to figure out what’s going on with Grasshopper because I am setting the Display Color settings from within GH (if you reference the script snip I shared) but obviously that isn’t translating to printing where as manually changing the Layer Color is.

I’ll look into it more and report back!

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