R-7 OrientOnSrf to Concave Surface Side Difficulty

I’m trying to find a work-around for an issue where I can’t get a polysurface(s) to orient to concave side of compound-bent surface from a CageEdit to an inclined surface from World Top that has non-proportional double-curvature; it is formed from the last set of global cage points so is a gradually morphed surface. The item to be oriented is a 2-part interlocking section that has a male end polysurface that will be joined to one of the ends of the cage edit section ends after splitting and the other lock part of the split will have the female side joined to its respective part that remains from the split morphed cage edit. It seems I am going to have to place some outline curves for the lock-forms on the pre-bent surface and perhaps some parallel surfaces to it with the next planar curves shapes at the needed elevations before even doing the CageEdit- since when I try to bend the planar assembly including the properly placed lock parts on which ultimately becomes the concave side, it won’t follow a focal point and distort proportionally- it seems; it has a least half the thickness of the lock assembly poking through the surface to the convex face. This has left me with trying to orient the assembly or even parts of it from the starting planar- but inclined surface the lock is placed to pre-bend and also by just trying a rectangular curve on the Cplane and OrientoSrf to the concave face as mentioned to see if I can get it to morph/phase-into it. I checked the intersection result with the last mentioned from the Cplane-placed rectangle (not from the inclined plane to it) and only a couple of discontinuous curve sections of the placed rectangle were intersected with the compounded surface- and because I was only using a curve for a test- I don’t really know if it was actually on the concave face/side. Each time I attempted to orient/paste to the concave side even though the normals face the same as my poly object(s) through all iterations, it orients facing the opposite way which tells me it is orienting to the convex face instead. I tried making the concave side the Cplane in the approximate needed section (since it isn’t planar- using 3 points) and also placing the rectangular curve there for the above-mentioned test which came closest to the goal- but again I don’t really know if it would have been facing the intended concave surface placement- but as also said, it wasn’t fully morphed to the curvature of the surface. I played with a trial version of R-4 for years with my drafting background and finally got R-7 and have little success with such commands as Orient On Surface. Any thoughts would be helpful as I read through all the help guides and discussion material but can’t find quite the scenario above. Thanks! And sorry for the excess- 1st post to the platform. Using Windows 10. Thanks for any help!

Hello-I am finding this a bit hard to parse… can you post a simple example file with clear indications of what you’d like to accomplish?


Thanks for taking a look Pascal-

So I just copied the base elements to somewhat reflect the difficulty I’m having with both the cage edit and attempts to orient on srf instead. I show the cage edit start point form and the end result with a very simple housing element component that was included in the edit. I also show a sample of an orient on srf below the region where I really want it- where the cage edit bend has it, but which has lost its position on the surface where it started. The lower elevation orient I show is the best one I was able to do in the last 50 tries- I was unable to really be able to scale it with any accuracy while placing it and subsequently extracted an isocurve for another orient attempt above my cage-bend location for sample but it kept coming out like infinity taffy. I am thinking I may have to work on the cage-bend surface with a bunch of normals and or extract the section of surface I need and attempt 3d in-place construction… Thanks again for the reply. See the attachment below- I hope it comes through… I’ll check after send and re-attempt if not.

Cage Edit- Concave Surface Orient sample.3dm (374.6 KB)