I have noticed that when you copy an identical block from one file to another, it gets automatically renamed with no notification to the user, which is very counter intuitive.
This can easily be addressed with the ‘replaceblock’ command. The problem comes when one of this tiny blocks is nested within another block. It does not get replaced.
Obviously this is useless, for if you have 100 nested blocks, you will still have enter each block, add the block you wish to replace for to the block, and run the replace command.
So my question is, how are you supposed to work with nested blocks?
I ran into this situation because I first create small blocks, and then I add up like a lego, once a piece is complete, it becomes a bigger block. But sometimes, I need to modify one of the small blocks. I work on multiple files so, if I edit the block in file A, and then paste it into file B, I expect all instances to change, even the nested ones.
I understand this is not the current behavior, can someone then advise me on how to deal with this situation for future reference?
To add to the previous doubts I have another question…
When working with Linked Blocks, are you supposed to have one file for each Block, or can you have a say, Catalogue Mother File, where you have all the blocks in one single document?
Because I noticed that there is an export option while inside block manager, that lets you export each block to a separate file…
Hello - typically, I think, you’d have separate files for the blocks - some might be nested from other files, if that makes sense. I don’t see, off hand, a workflow where you’d have them all in a single Rhino file - I’m not sure what the advantage would be, unless they were all associated into one logical assembly that you’s want to re-use.
I was thinking along the lines that maybe having all blocks in one single file would make accessing the blocks for edition far more efficient, as you don’t have to search through 200 files.
You also would have a visual cue, as you could see all blocks at once, and use visual memory to find “x” block instead of remembering the specific name of the block.
And last but not least, its way easier to manage no? One file vs 200… maybe one gets misplaced or saved somewhere else.
Or maybe you wish to have different versions, an edited and unedited file. Having an edited and unedited file for each block is crazy… suddenly 200 files becomes 1000 depending on the number of versions you have!