QuadRemesh in Worksession bug

QuadRemesh has a bug when used in Worksession.

When QuadRemesh is used on an object in a reference model (not the active model) in Worksession the quad mesh is created on the same layer as the object in the reference model. The quad mesh can be selected, copied, etc but it cannot be deleted. It persists until the reference model is made active, the reference model is detched, or the Worksession is closed. This is a problem for several reasons. The quad mesh can obscure other geometry on the layer. If QuadRemesh is run again with different settings then there are two (or more) meshes on the same layer without any simple way to distinguish between them.

QuadRemesh should behave like Mesh. If QuadRemesh is used on an object in a Worksession reference file the quad mesh should be created on the current layer in the active model.

Example: Download the three files below into the same directory, start V7 and open the Worksession file. The worksession should open with a surface visible. The surface is in the reference file.

Execute Mesh on the surface. Note that the resulting mesh is in the current layer in the active model.

Execute QuadRemesh on the surface. Note that the resulting quad mesh is in the same layer as the surface in the reference model.

Worksession: QuadRemeshWS01.rws (592 Bytes)
Active file: Meshes01.3dm (49.6 KB)
Reference file: BowExample01.3dm (636.8 KB)

Hi David - thanks, I’ll get that on the pile - there were a few tools that did this, as far as I know they’ve been fixed, but not this one I guess.
RH-61040 Quadremesh: worksession ouput remains in the inactive file


RH-61040 is fixed in the latest Rhino 7.7 Service Release