Quad Remesh Produces Duplicate Meshes

I’ve noticed that Quad Remesh in Rhino 8 produces two identical meshes after hitting “OK.” Has anyone else experienced this?

Works fine on my Rhino 8 SR14 2024-11-27

If you have a file where it happens all the time, maybe post it here…

And add your SystemInfo for the developers

Hi -

This was fixed in 8.14: RH-84220 QuadRemesh: Creates duplicate mesh

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My rhino says it is up-to-date. R8 SR13 (8.13.24317.13001). Last checked 01.12.2024.

Hi -

8.13 is the current Service Release. Public versions of the 8.14 Service Release Candidate are available. You can change the update frequency in the Rhino options to get those to download and install automatically.