Python3 component RunScript() parameter names changing

hello, a couple questions here. We had some great components that would change the input parameters of the GH component based on selections in the context menu and a *args input in the RunScript method. This was working great in Rhino7 and we had basically based our entire workflow on this.

I am trying to update our code for Rhino8 and Python 3, and there are a few things I haven’t figured out.

  • First off, when I change an input name on the component, it automatically changes the RunScript() signature. Is there a way to turn this off so that the code can adapt to different input parameters? The previous method of using the arguments positionally was preferrable. I see the documentation about it here
  • After some testing, there is some funny behavior. When I add an input parameter via the script, it does not change the RunScript input parameters. This is what I want, but then I don’t see how to access the value from that input. If I put a *args as an input parameter in the RunScript method, it just creates a component input named *args.
  • The Python 3 script component inherits from GH_ScriptInstance, but I want to use some GH_Component functions, for example I wanted to try using the CollectData() toget the input data without going through the RunScript signature. can I inherit from GH_Component, or is that only when we develop proper plugins?
  • the AppendAdditionalMenuItems() override doesn’t seem to be implemented. Is this the case? are there plans to implement?

Thanks for any help you can offer!


1 and 2: Would you mind sending me a good Rhino 7 example for your workflow so I can match the same behaviour in the new scripting component regarding RunScript signatures?

  • RE RH-84580 Support for optional values in RunScript signature

3: No. As in Rhino 7, scripts can only implement GH_ScriptInstance which is a controlled interface. However, you can access the script component using self.Component property of this class instance.

4: This is implemented but not yet documented in Rhino >= 8.13.

using SWF = System.Windows.Forms;

public class Script_Instance : GH_ScriptInstance
    private void RunScript()

    public override void AppendAdditionalMenuItems(SWF.ToolStripDropDown menu)
        menu.Items.Add("Script Action", default, (s, e) => {
            // do things here
        menu.Items.Add(new SWF.ToolStripSeparator());

Hey again!

Thanks for the information.

Here is the component script, it’s a bit long, since I left all the documentation in. I’ll upload a .gh file too in case it’s easier.

Currently I name the output with the _type which keeps the inputs connected to upstream components. On my wishlist is the ability to have the _type value persist between sessions in a more natural way.
Maybe that will be solved with the new python package compiler…?

from ghpythonlib.componentbase import executingcomponent as component
from Grasshopper.Kernel.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel import Error
from Grasshopper.Kernel.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel import Warning
import Grasshopper

class DirectJointRule(component):
    def __init__(self):
        super(DirectJointRule, self).__init__()

        if ghenv.Component.Params.Output[0].NickName == "out":
            self._type = None
            self._type = ghenv.Component.Params.Output[0].NickName

    def RunScript(self, *args):
        if not self._type:
            ghenv.Component.Message = "Select type from context menu (right click)"
            self.AddRuntimeMessage(Warning, "Select type from context menu (right click)")
            return None
            ghenv.Component.Message = self._type
            input_names = self.arg_names()[self._type]
            input_values = args
            string = "inputs are: {}".format(zip(input_names, input_values))

            return string

    def arg_names(self):
        return  {"a": ["arg_1"], "b": ["arg_1","arg_5"],"c": ["arg_1","arg_8","arg_9"]}

    def AppendAdditionalMenuItems(self, menu):
        for name in self.arg_names().keys():
            item = menu.Items.Add(name, None, self.on_item_click)
            if self._type and name == self._type:
                item.Checked = True

    def on_item_click(self, sender, event_info):
        self._type = str(sender)
        rename_gh_output(self._type, 0, ghenv)
        manage_dynamic_params(self.arg_names()[self._type], ghenv, rename_count=0, permanent_param_count=0)

def add_gh_param(
    name, io, ghenv, index=None
):  # we could also make beam_names a dict with more info e.g. NickName, Description, Access, hints, etc. this would be defined in joint_options components
    """Adds a parameter to the Grasshopper component.

    name : str
        The name of the parameter.
    io : str
        The direction of the parameter. Either "Input" or "Output".
    ghenv : object
        The Grasshopper environment object.


    assert io in ("Output", "Input")
    params = [param.NickName for param in getattr(ghenv.Component.Params, io)]
    if name not in params:
        param = Grasshopper.Kernel.Parameters.Param_GenericObject()
        param.NickName = name
        param.Name = name
        param.Description = name
        param.Access = Grasshopper.Kernel.GH_ParamAccess.item
        param.Optional = True
        if not index:
            index = getattr(ghenv.Component.Params, io).Count

        registers = dict(Input="RegisterInputParam", Output="RegisterOutputParam")
        getattr(ghenv.Component.Params, registers[io])(param, index)

def clear_gh_params(ghenv, permanent_param_count=1):
    """Clears all input parameters from the component.

    ghenv : object
        The Grasshopper environment object.
    permanent_param_count : int, optional
        The number of parameters that should not be deleted. Default is 1.


    changed = False
    while len(ghenv.Component.Params.Input) > permanent_param_count:
            ghenv.Component.Params.Input[len(ghenv.Component.Params.Input) - 1], True
        changed = True
    return changed

def rename_gh_input(input_name, index, ghenv):
    """Renames a parameter in the Grasshopper component.

    ghenv : object
        The Grasshopper environment object.
    input_name : str
        The new name of the parameter.
    index : int
        The index of the parameter to rename.


    param = ghenv.Component.Params.Input[index]
    param.NickName = input_name
    param.Name = input_name
    param.Description = input_name

def rename_gh_output(output_name, index, ghenv):
    """Renames a parameter in the Grasshopper component.

    output_name : str
        The new name of the parameter.
    index : int
        The index of the parameter to rename.
    ghenv : object
        The Grasshopper environment object.


    param = ghenv.Component.Params.Output[index]
    param.NickName = output_name
    param.Name = output_name
    param.Description = output_name

def manage_dynamic_params(input_names, ghenv, rename_count=0, permanent_param_count=1, keep_connections=True):
    """Clears all input parameters from the component.

    input_names : list(str)
        The names of the input parameters.
    ghenv : object
        The Grasshopper environment object.
    permanent_param_count : int, optional
        The number of parameters that should not be deleted. Default is 1.


    if not input_names:  # if no names are input
        clear_gh_params(ghenv, permanent_param_count)
        if keep_connections:
            to_remove = []
            for param in ghenv.Component.Params.Input[permanent_param_count + rename_count :]:
                if param.Name not in input_names:
            for param in to_remove:
                ghenv.Component.Params.UnregisterInputParameter(param, True)
            for i, name in enumerate(input_names):
                if i < rename_count:
                    rename_gh_input(name, i + permanent_param_count, ghenv)
                elif name not in [param.Name for param in ghenv.Component.Params.Input]:
                    add_gh_param(name, "Input", ghenv, index=i + permanent_param_count)

            register_params = False
            if (
                len(ghenv.Component.Params.Input) == len(input_names) + permanent_param_count
            ):  # if param count matches beam_names count
                for i, name in enumerate(input_names):
                    if (
                        ghenv.Component.Params.Input[i + permanent_param_count].Name != name
                    ):  # if param names don't match
                        register_params = True
                register_params = True
            if register_params:
                    ghenv, permanent_param_count + rename_count
                )  # we could consider renaming params if we don't want to disconnect GH component inputs
                for i, name in enumerate(input_names):
                    if i < permanent_param_count:
                    elif i < rename_count:
                        rename_gh_input(name, i, ghenv)
                        add_gh_param(name, "Input", ghenv) (13.4 KB)

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Thanks a lot for sending this over. There are a few points here for me:

  1. First is allowing RunScript to include *args
  2. Storing state on a parameter name, although works in this example, is not ideal IMHO. I would rather implement Write and Read methods on the script instance so your script can have persistent state (more than one string), stored in the gh file.
  3. The script is replacing input and output parameters with Param_GenericObject instances. Script component uses special inputs and outputs that support the functionality it provides. I need to make modifications to make sure Script component can work with other parameter types as well.

Ok great!

I’ll look forward to those updates.


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Hello Ehsan,

I was trying to access input params using Component as you suggested, but self.Component returns None. Any suggestions for how to access those parameters?
