Hello everyone, I’m fairly new to scripting in python, but so far its cool.
I was working with an urban plan and needed to select some text of specific height. I looked around the forum and managed to find some related info which helped me a lot, but I still have a couple of questions:
def SelectTextWithSameHeight():
# Let user pick a text object with required height
txtObj = rs.GetObject("Select text", filter=512)
if rs.IsText(txtObj):
# Return current text height
textHeight = rs.TextObjectHeight(txtObj)
# Select all annotation objects and store them in annotations
annotations = rs.ObjectsByType(rs.filter.annotation)
# Go through each annotation
for annotation in annotations:
# Check if it's a numeric text
if rs.IsText(annotation) and rs.TextObjectText(annotation).isdigit():
# And if yes, get its height
textHeights = rs.TextObjectHeight(annotation)
# If its height equals to preselected height,
if textHeights == textHeight:
# select it
if __name__=="__main__":
So, there is this filter 512 for annotations, I was wondering if annotations here is just text objects or does it include other stuff like dimensions?
txtObj = rs.GetObject("Select text", filter=512)
Is there a better way to write this function or do you have any suggestions?