Can anyone please provide an example of using Python MAP function with a Rhino syntax command instead of a loop, tried and failed so need a little guidance.
Something simple like a “surfaceclosestpoint” select one surface and a list of existing 3d points that was what I was trying and return the list of the 3d closest points on the surface.
Thank you for this I have applied it to a few other functions and it seems quicker than a loop when dealing with lots of points maybe a couple of examples on the help files could assist other users.
I have been playing with the map function and find it quite useful however I have come across a problem, using BrepClosestPoint if I try to get both arrCP[0] and arrCP[3] at the same time I get the output like
arrCP = (<Rhino.Geometry.Point3d object at 0x00000226F371E640>, <Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d object at 0x00000226F371E6C0>)
however if I get them one at a time using two functions one for the arrCP[0] and one for arrCP[3]
I get what I expect a 3d point -115.73961229639679,-45.38981434783973,0 and a vector 0,-0,-1
why does the output change if I get both together which is what I want so the vector is relative to the correct point if I add them to the workspace.
#! python3
results = []
resultsa = []
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
def __MyFunc(srf, point):
arrCP = rs.BrepClosestPoint(srf, point)
#uv = rs.SurfaceClosestPoint(srf, point)
return (arrCP[0], arrCP[3])
#return rs.EvaluateSurface(srf, uv[0], uv[1])
#def __MyFunc1(srf, point):
#arrCP = rs.BrepClosestPoint(srf, point)
#uv = rs.SurfaceClosestPoint(srf, point)
#return arrCP[3]
def Test():
srf = rs.GetObject("Select a surface", rs.filter.surface)
if not srf:
points = rs.GetObjects("Pick some points", rs.filter.point)
if not points:
results = map(lambda x: __MyFunc(srf, x), points)
#resultsb = map(lambda x: __MyFunc1(srf, x), points)
for p in results:
print("arrCP = ", str(p))
What you print out now is a tuple of a point and vector. You still get what you want, it is just not the same string representation. with the function you have now in use you can print("arrCP = ", str(p[0]), str(p[1])), which will give the same stringified version of the tuple elements.
What you are seeing is the repr() result of the elements in the tuple.
I am still playing with the map function and I have question once I get my results from the map of my function how would I add the points generated to the workspace using another map and not having to go through a loop “for (p) in results”.
I have attached a test file if you select a surface and some points it should generate two points and a curve between them representing the closest point and the surface normal from that point.
Why does this not work when trying to use BrepClosestPoint but the concept work with SurfaceClosestPoint. I cannot get the second map function to add the points and curves, so much to learn and so little time to do it.
#! python3
points = []
results = []
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
def __MyFunc(srf, point):
arrCP = rs.BrepClosestPoint(srf, point)
return [arrCP[0],arrCP[3]]
def __RealizeObjects(p):
point_guids = rs.AddPoints([(p[0]), (p[0])+(p[1])])
line_guid = rs.AddLine((p[0]), (p[0])+(p[1]))
return (point_guids,line_guid)
def Test():
srf = rs.GetObject("Select a surface", rs.filter.surface)
if not srf:
points = rs.GetObjects("Pick some points", rs.filter.point)
if not points:
results = list(map(lambda x: __MyFunc(srf, x), points))
new_guids = map(lambda p: __RealizeObjects(p), results)
#if results:
#for p in list(results):
#rs.AddPoints([(p[0]), (p[0])+(p[1])])
#rs.AddLine((p[0]), (p[0])+(p[1]))
#new_guids = map(lambda p: __RealizeObjects(p), results)
#if results:
#for p in list(results):
#rs.AddPoints([(p[0]), (p[0])+(p[1])])
#rs.AddLine((p[0]), (p[0])+(p[1]))
#print("pt = ",pt)
#for p in points:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Version 8 SR14
(8.14.24337.13001, 2024-12-02)
SN: 6-1802-0101-1-39636-34008
Roger Davies
the script runs with no error but does not add the points and curves to the workspace if you try it with the simple model I sent you maybe you will get the same as me.