Is there a single method that does that but I cannot find due to it’s weird name or I just have to do it in several steps?
Thanks in advance.
Is there a single method that does that but I cannot find due to it’s weird name or I just have to do it in several steps?
Thanks in advance.
Call this:
With this:
Hi @AndersDeleuran,
This is what I did:
bbox_json = [[64396.8984375,4499.89892578125,14999.900390625],[73620.1015625,4518.10107421875,18000.099609375]]
#p1 = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(bbox_json[0][0],bbox_json[0][1],bbox_json[0][2])
#p2 = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(bbox_json[1][0],bbox_json[1][1],bbox_json[1][2])
#bbox = Rhino.Geometry.BoundingBox(p1,p2)
#brep = bbox.ToBrep()
p1 = rs.AddPoints(bbox_json)
bbb = rs.BoundingBox(p1)
print bbb
But I can’t see the box appear in Rhino. Can’t figure it out.
The print returns only some points I assume the corner points of the box
lol I figured it out
That uses a substantially more complicated logic than directly creating the bounding box using the “two corners” overload above:
def BoundingBox(objects, view_or_plane=None, in_world_coords=True):
"""Returns either world axis-aligned or a construction plane axis-aligned
bounding box of an object or of several objects
objects = The identifiers of the objects
view_or_plane[opt] = Title or id of the view that contains the
construction plane to which the bounding box should be aligned -or-
user defined plane. If omitted, a world axis-aligned bounding box
will be calculated
in_world_coords[opt] = return the bounding box as world coordinates or
construction plane coordinates. Note, this option does not apply to
world axis-aligned bounding boxes.
Eight 3D points that define the bounding box. Points returned in counter-
clockwise order starting with the bottom rectangle of the box.
None on error
def __objectbbox(object, xform):
geom = rhutil.coercegeometry(object, False)
if not geom:
pt = rhutil.coerce3dpoint(object, True)
return Rhino.Geometry.BoundingBox(pt,pt)
if xform: return geom.GetBoundingBox(xform)
return geom.GetBoundingBox(True)
xform = None
plane = rhutil.coerceplane(view_or_plane)
if plane is None and view_or_plane:
view = view_or_plane
modelviews = scriptcontext.doc.Views.GetStandardRhinoViews()
for item in modelviews:
viewport = item.MainViewport
if type(view) is str and viewport.Name==view:
plane = viewport.ConstructionPlane()
elif type(view) is System.Guid and viewport.Id==view:
plane = viewport.ConstructionPlane()
if plane is None: return scriptcontext.errorhandler()
if plane:
xform = Rhino.Geometry.Transform.ChangeBasis(Rhino.Geometry.Plane.WorldXY, plane)
bbox = Rhino.Geometry.BoundingBox.Empty
if type(objects) is list or type(objects) is tuple:
for object in objects:
objectbbox = __objectbbox(object, xform)
bbox = Rhino.Geometry.BoundingBox.Union(bbox,objectbbox)
objectbbox = __objectbbox(objects, xform)
bbox = Rhino.Geometry.BoundingBox.Union(bbox,objectbbox)
if not bbox.IsValid: return scriptcontext.errorhandler()
corners = list(bbox.GetCorners())
if in_world_coords and plane is not None:
plane_to_world = Rhino.Geometry.Transform.ChangeBasis(plane, Rhino.Geometry.Plane.WorldXY)
for pt in corners: pt.Transform(plane_to_world)
return corners
And I know how you like to keep things simple and terse
What is the point in technological development if it doesn’t make things simpler?
Wrapping a bunch of needless complexity into a function isn’t really making things simpler though, now is it
Philosophical question:
Does complexity matter when it’s hard to consume (comprehend) and remember?
Code should be the simplest possible, use the KISS principle: Keep It Simple, Stupid.
Simple is better than complex
Complex is better than complicated
! -_RunPythonScript "import this"