Python component in multiple GH files: how to keep updated?

It depends a bit on whether you’re referring to the existing GHPython component or the CPython/IronPython modes of the new Rhino 8 Grasshopper script editor. And on whether or not this is just for you or for many users (and if those users share a server etc.). Either way, in addition to the methods proposed above, here are some options to consider:

1) The most general, simple and Pythonic approach that should work no matter what:
Structuring all the relevant classes and functions into a Python module and importing/calling these within your component. Meaning that you would just need to update a Python file that lives locally or on a server. Here’s a slide from the in-house Python course I teach demonstrating this:

2) Automating reading and overwriting the component code:
The GHPython component (and presumably the new script editor component) has a Code property, which one can systemically read/overwrite in order to update the code within the component. Meaning that one can develop functions that both “push” and “pulls” code from a central folder structure on e.g. a server, a DropBox, or a GitHub. I’ve used this approach quite extensively in my old research groups, when running workshops, and in-house at BIG. Have a look at the two first code blocks for some examples:

3) Compiling GHPython components to a plugin:
I have never had much luck with and find the workflow pretty cumbersome, but it might work for your needs:

4) Using the plugin options provided by the new script editor:
Again I have not used these new features, but they might be relevant to your goals: