Python Angle2 Always Returns Positive Angle

Using Python and the rs.Angle2 method. Angle always comes back positive. Is there anyway get the sign value as well so that negative angles can be returned?

Angle returned would be relative to the first line passed.

Solved it. Here’s the code if anyone wants it.

    # Determines the angle between two lines including the sign (+/-)
    # Lines do not have to intersect
    # Get the start and end points of the first line
    StartPoint1 = rs.GetPoint("Select the starting point of the first line")
    EndPoint1 = rs.GetPoint("Select the ending point of the first line")
    Vector1 = EndPoint1 - StartPoint1

    # Get the start and end points of the second line
    StartPoint2 = rs.GetPoint("Select the starting point of the second line")
    EndPoint2 = rs.GetPoint("Select the ending point of the second line") 
    Vector2 = EndPoint2- StartPoint2
    Ang = math.atan2(Vector2.Y, Vector2.X) - math.atan2(Vector1.Y, Vector1.X)
    print math.degrees(Ang)