[Python] After running function the script does not allow to select objects for further operations

The issue is as desribed in title. I’ve got a first part of script (by Mitch Heynick - SimplifyCrv does not work) for simplifying near-circles coming from braille font of TextObject into real circles in order to make half spheres of real braille tactile font (2nd part of the script).

The problem is that after selecting near-circles for simplification and running the simplifying function, I want then to select next objects for simplification. The prompt runs to ‘Select Braille dots’ but I am not able to select any feature in the program.

I wonder if an issue is that I should somehow stop executing the first part of script so that I can freely proceed to 2nd part? What should I do? Hopefully the description is not too chaotic. Thanks in advance!


"""Replaces closed planar curves that are near-circles with real circle objects
- including those that do not simplify with Rhino's normal simplify tool.
Stopgap tool for addressing a bug in Rhino V5 SimplifyCrv, hopefully to be made
redundant in future versions. Near-circles that have curve deviation of less than
file tolerance of an exact circle will be simplified to circles.
Script by Mitch Heynick 18.10.16
Revised 01.12.17 - added tolerance choice, changed compare method -
CrvDeviation is unreliable, this version relies on sampling curves
Setting 0 as tolerance will convert *any* planar closed curve to a circle
using average of bounding box x,y lengths/2 as radius."""

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import scriptcontext as sc
import Rhino


#1st part of the script

def CurvePointDeviation(crvA,crvB,tol=sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance,samples=24):
    #samples crvA and checks points against crvB. Returns True if all pts in tol.
    a_pts=[crvA.PointAt(param) for param in a_params]
    for pt in a_pts:
        if not rc: return False
    b_pts=[crvB.PointAt(param) for param in b_params]
    for i in range(samples):
        if a_pts[i].DistanceTo(b_pts[i])>tol: return False
    return True

#planar closed curves
def cp_crv_filt(rhino_object, geometry, component_index):
    return rs.IsCurvePlanar(geometry) and rs.IsCurveClosed(geometry)
def BBCtrRad(objID,plane,tol):
    if bb:
        if Rhino.RhinoMath.EpsilonEquals(x,y,tol): in_tol=True
        return (bb[0]+bb[2])/2,(x+y)/4, in_tol
def SimplifyRecalcitrantCircles():
    msg="Select near-circles to simplify"
    if not objIDs: return
    if "SimRecalCirc_Tol" in sc.sticky: user_tol=sc.sticky["SimRecalCirc_Tol"]
    else: user_tol=a_tol
    tol=rs.GetReal("Simplify tolerance? Enter 0 to ignore tolerance",user_tol,0)
    if tol is None: return
    for objID in objIDs:
        if rs.IsCircle(objID):
    if len(not_circles)>0:
        for objID in not_circles:
            if not circ_data: continue
            if tol != 0:
                if not in_tol: continue
                #refine curve check
                #Curve deviation can fail here !!!
#                c_dev=Rhino.Geometry.Curve.GetDistancesBetweenCurves(obj,nc,tol)
#                if c_dev[0]:
#                    if c_dev[1]>tol: continue
                #args: (crvA,crvB,tol,samples)
                if not CurvePointDeviation(obj,nc,tol,32): continue
    msg="{} curves simplified to circles.".format(replaced)
    if left != 0:
        msg+="  {} curves unable to be simplified.".format(left)
    print msg
    sc.sticky["SimRecalCirc_Tol"] = tol



#2nd part of the script

brailleDots = rs.GetObjects(message = "Select Braille dots", filter = 4  , select = True, group = True) #select curves in a form of circles

centerPoints = [] #create an empty variable in a form of list
for curve in brailleDots:
    centerPoints.append(rs.CircleCenterPoint(curve)) #for each selected circle, a hypothetical center point is generated (without geometry)


radius = 0.8

sfery = []
for center in centerPoints:
     sfery.append(rs.AddSphere(center, radius)) #for each point - 3D geometry - a sphere of defines radius is created

curve = rs.GetObjects("pick curves to create a trimming surface", 4) #Select a curve (closed, planar) that will form a trimming surface for created spheres
surface = rs.AddPlanarSrf(curve) #A trimming surface is being created

rs.FlipSurface(surface, 1) #surface U direction is flipped so that the correct half of sphere is trimmed

for sphere in sfery:
    rs.TrimBrep(sphere, surface) #Spheres are trimme so that half domes are created

rs.DeleteObject(surface) #Trimming surface is deleted

print ("Full success")

The look at console when I am not able to pick circles for further step

Hi @guziko1944, in line 60 of the script posted above, the redraw is disabled using:


i do not see a place where the redraw is enabled again after it prints “Success” for the first part. If you do this before the second part:


it allows to select Braille dots curves. Btw. it allowed selection before but you cannot see a selection if the redraw is still disabled.


Thanks for Your answer. Well that was not the case but it helped me to identify the real problem. In this case the problem was the default tolerance of simplify tool. Now it’s fixed! Thank You!