Python 3 fails to install pip and initialize

Maybe that’s the reason,my file are locked while IT reset the security policy recently,some can’t open by rhino.There all locked.

A solution that worked for me…

After resetting the python 3 runtime, reinstalling the new one failed (unsure why). After this, Rhino would crash when trying to start scripteditor, or drop a python 3 component in gh.

‘Fixed’ by removing C:\Users<user>.rhinocode\py39-rh8 , which allowed scripteditor to start and retry installing the runtime. Successful this second time around, probably something network related.

In case someone else runs into this. I can also confirm that deleting C:\Users<user>.rhinocode and letting Rhino re-install everything worked with Rhino 8.15.25019.13001, 2025-01-19. My firewall needed to let get-pip through to install things successfully.

I still have a different python version installed and PYTHONPATH on my windows 10 system without issues.