Puzzle 2D from closed crv

Hi! I’m new here and I’m not very good in Gh. I found a very nice tutorial explaining how to make a rectangular puzzle. I would like to improve it to make puzzles from a closed crv. Is there anyone that can help me, please? I attach .gh file.
Thank you in advance.
puzzle_help.gh (12.4 KB)

Something like this?

puzzle_help_re.gh (20.6 KB)


Yes! It’s exactly what I meant. It’s perfect, thank you!
I have a new question, if it’s possible. I would like to lasercut this file and I need to erase all duplicated lines. how can I do that? Thank you in advance

This might be a few years late but ill just respond for the next people who might have the same question.
you can bake the grasshopper file and then in rhino from the top view either sel dup (select duplicates) or make2d. Make 2d is the better option because you could have some parts of crvs overlapping not the full covers these parts wont be removed while using sel dup only make 2d in general always make 2d your files before laser cutting to remove dups and just in case the file wasn’t fully planner