Push pull for "edges"

Hi there,
would be possible to have “push pull” for edges too, not only for curves?
F.e. if i have two solid like in picture below, then push/pull for hatched area, without curves…?

What is the goal for this? You can already sub-select the hatched face and move or extrude it etc. without PushPull… Hmm, your image is not that clear, but do you want to “cut” the lower box’s top face with the top box?

There are two boxes not one…

It’s still not clear what you want to achieve. What’s the relevance of the second box?

@Chita I see what you mean and this could indeed be useful. Save the extra step of having to DupEdge
RH-82694 PushPull: detect edges on Brep

Yes, you’re right! Thank you!