Pufferfish ''Twisted box curve variable''

Hello everyone,

Trying to use the ‘‘twisted box curve variable’’ to make a continuous loop where the first and last box are the same and connect perfectly but whatever parameter I use the component does not work? Any ideas?

unnamed.gh (4.4 KB)

Have a look at the attachment.

TBoxCrvVar_re.gh (57.0 KB)

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but whatever parameter I use the component does not work?

As @HS_Kim showed, if you want to connect perfectly then the first param should be 0, last param should be 1, and the first and last sizes / rotation value need to be the same. (that is why he uses Pufferfish mirror cut numbers)

Hello both,

@HS_Kim Once more thank you for your help.
Can I please have an explanation how the ‘‘X’’ and ‘‘Y’’ parameters were sorted out because I am not sure I quite understand.
The components says that the ‘‘X’’,’‘Y’’ and ‘‘R’’ inputs must share the same as the ‘‘t’’ input but here it is not as I see. @Michael_Pryor

They have to be the same AMOUNT of values in the lists. They don’t have to be the same values as t, the lists should just be the same length.

Great now I understand.
Thank you very much.