Proximity HELP please

Hello guys,

simple question how i can get proximity of more than two curves? I want find closest parts of these curves, like on the picture and than connect them. I just want find more than one proximity between them selves and also controll the possible distance of proximity?

Can u help me with this guys?

Thanks a lot. :wink:


I think i know this one!! ugh, but you didn’t post a file.

This is also a bit vague.

"I just want find more than one proximity between them selves and also controll the possible distance of proximity

Hey, go soft on the guy, he has just joined the forum :slight_smile:
Nevertheless Koll, he is right. It is considered nice to post your definition because it makes easier for people to help you. If you intend to visit the forum regularly, you might want to have a look at this post:

Now, about your question, what you are looking for is cross reference . But controling the distance? wouldn’t it be simpler to just create new curves? (8.3 KB)


Thank you so much Aris