Proper Syntax

cmdImport = (Rhino.Command("!_ImportDimStyles", “strDesktop”, “_Enter”))

I cannot for the life of me figure out the syntax to input the string from folder1 and hit enter…

strDesktop = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) & “\TemplatesForRhino\DimStyle.3dm”

I also cannot find a way to access %userprofile% to bypass username and go straight to desktop.

I have messed with the syntax for 2 hours. Can’t get it right… Anyone steer me in the right direction?

Hello - try this -
Rhino.Command("ImportDimStyles " & chr(34) & strDesktop & chr(34) & " Enter”)


Getting an unterminated string constant error.

Dim strFolder, cmdImport, strDesktop
strDesktop = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) & “\TemplatesForRhino\DimStyle.3dm”

Rhino.Command("ImportDimStyles " & chr(34) & strDesktop & chr(34) & " Enter”)

Rhino.AddAlias “ImportStyle”, “_NoEcho _-Runscript ImportStyle”

So this line:

Rhino.Command("_-ImportDimStyles" & strFolder)

Results in this happening:

Unknown command: _-ImportDimStylesC:\Users\Jmartin\Desktop\TemplatesForRhino\DIMSTYLE.3dm

I tried your original @pascal and it failed to work as well.


I gave up on finding the %userprofile% enviroment for now until i can get this line of code to work! One thing at a time!

just be aware that " is not the same as ” inconsistent double quotation might lead to problems.

Looks like there might be a space missing…

_-ImportDimStyles C:\Users\Jmartin\Desktop\TemplatesForRhino\DIMSTYLE.3dm

I have checked both encephalon and ncik suggestions and neither turned up with any results. Appreciate the feedback guys! Something you would think so simple!