Proper Rhino Work Flow?

Anyone have advice on proper Rhino work flow?

I created my first model the other day, sent it to a manufacturer. They needed X and Y changed.

My only response was oh oh…( Parametrics ability would be really really useful right about now… )

I only have my final shape. saved onto 3 different layers.

I’m guessing I should have saved all the curves and stuff to layers?

Is the proper work flow is to draw your curves on one layer, loft, extract or whatever to them and immediately move them to a different layer?

How would you remember your fillet or chamfer settings on solids? or do you save yet to another layer before applying a chamfer or fillet?

Hi uebs,

I’m sure you’ll get different opinions on this one. For me though when I’m doing a real model that could get changed by the client, I save out a version prior to adding fillets and ideally save out multiple incremental versions from concept to final. This is not parametrics of course but rather planing for the inevitable. The final model can also be used to make changes though with practice. For instance, ExtractSrf>Untrim>Join can be used to remove fillets.

Layers are really they key here. Especially when you are wanting to work with a clean environment.
I generally work from left to right copying each time I make a major change. Depending on what you are building/changing it’s not necessary to change the layers for each update but that’s really your discretion as to how many layer variations you want to manage.
Construction curves as I like to call them should ideally be on a different layer. I find they get in the way most of the time.

Fillets I believe you can check with simply dimensioning the object. Fillets are also accessible with some checking. Easiest to just write them down I find. Or you can make notes using the text commands.

It’s a good idea to at least copy the object when you are doing chamfers and fillets in case you need to go back to that original model to change things up.

Do you mean swapped? If so, in Top, rotate your model 90 degrees around the World Origin and then Mirror across the Y axis… does that do it?


Using X and Y was probably a bad choice of word. I should’ve said they need this changed and that changed.

basically I did a boolean at a certain depth, they needed the depth shorter.

Any recommendation on how to do this? Right now it’s one solid piece.

I was thinking extract that section, and redo it, or maybe if possible select facing and moving them?

Hi Uebs, boolean of what exactly? Depending on the geometry, moveface and solidpton are both great for simple stuff.

I build in watertight “chunks” I do a lot of car stuff, so for instance, I do the greenhouse as one “chunk” the lower box as another “chunk” then then bumpers as another “chunk” etc, etc…this allows me to adjust the proportions and relationships between the various components using cage edit, bend, scale, etc… I send several updates along the build and have the client mark up screen shots of my progress. This allows the client to have input the entire way, and iteratively hone in on a solution to the given design problem. THEN when everything is dialed in and proportions are nailed, I start adding transitional surfaces (fillets and blends) and details. This has proven to be a really efficient way to work in a highly fluxing client environment. Thousands of models for the toy biz, and I’m still moderately sane, so something has got to be working…



I use ctrl+shift+left mouse to select faces/edges often to move them around, depths of booleans are adjustable this way too (9/10 times)

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I have been ‘burned by the booleans’ when the client asks for changes, so I developed a curve-based technique that makes it far easier and faster to modify. I made a nice summary in my recent lynda course in one video, and it’s available for a free preview at the link below

Let me know if you found it helpful.

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+1 on the ctrl+shift+left mouse click. That’s very handy!

Has anyone dabbled with the RhinoWorks plugin? If it works well… some parametric Rhino would be very handy for these situations…

I have 4 main layers - Crvs, Layout, Parts, and Boolean. Sub layers under Crvs save the construction crvs for each part of the final model. Layout saves how the parts are positioned in space, with Flow, FlowAlongSrf, cage editing, etc. Parts saves off a final version of each part.

The last part of it is copying all the Parts to the Boolean layer (I have a sub layer for prototyping and another for render). I do enough boolean work to get it looking correct to show the client and send for approval. If they approve, I finish the boolean ops and send it off for rapid prototype.

If they want a change, I’ve hopefully set myself up the best way possible. Although sometimes, it ends up being a do over anyway :confused:

@ schultze Just finished the lynda training, thanks for creating it.

Finished the basic training disc from Infinite Skills (15hours). Starting on the advanced training from Infinite Skills(12hours)

Thanks to all who responded with tips, it’ll save me time from trial and error.

Picked up a 3D mouse to help me along my journey. So far so good…