Proof needed for Educational license

Howsit McNeel team

My wife and I borrowed my 16yo Nephews car for month while we were recently on holiday ‘back home’.

He is planning on studying architecture after he finishes high school, and currently uses SketchUp thru his school for all sorts of interesting projects.

I’d like to buy him a Rhino 8 license as ‘payment’ for using the car, but also so I can personally help him with 3d modeling projects in the future.

I’ve contacted a local reseller asking what proof was needed to purchase an education license but got quite a heavy handed reply, which didn’t feel very ‘McNeel like’.

Could someone confirm the exact requirements for me so I can help Nephew towards his future?




I followed the online process to get an educational license. I needed to provide a proof of enrollment (I believe that an official document or a bank statement regarding the paying of the tuition fee sufficed). This was also cleared quite fast (for Rhino 8).

Note that if you apply for an educational license, that you pay a single time for a fully commercial perpetual license (hence a discounted version of a non-educational license). I believe that’s the only difference: Rhino - Rhino for Education (

Hope this helps a bit.



Proof required is here: Rhino - Educational Proof of Status

I don’t think you are required to purchase through a reseller. Perhaps you should look into purchasing directly from McNeel. Since the transaction and delivery is entirely over the internet it’s pretty straightforward.