Projection mapping

Hi guys,

I’m classically a max vray guy but i have to learn vray rhino at my new job. I know vray rhino but somethings I’m not sure of. How would i go about setting up a projection map?

Use the Rhino mapping widgets.

If you need a good intro, watch Rendering Fundamentals with Rhino and V-Ray at lynda. If you’re not a member, here’s 10-days free.

Other courses include Product Design Rendering and Architectural Rendering. This guy is good.

Will you make a vray for rhino interiors tutorial.

Already done … just had to look for the course called Architectural Rendering for Rhino and V-Ray. It’s at the same lynda website. All of my lynda courses are listed here.

I also post free videos at Professor3D and DO take requests.

OK yes I did see something like that, but when i looked at the preview it looked like it was all exteriors.

I was looking for something that focused purely on interiors.

is there a cloth plugin for rhino?

The fundamentals are the same if you’re inside or outside. After the fundamentals are covered in the course I listed, then renderings are made from both the interior and exterior. I am not aware of a course that is entirely focused on V-Ray, Rhino, Architecture, and Interiors only.

No idea. Check on the McNeel Resources Page and Food4Rhino sites.