Problems with GhPython and Lunchbox

Hi @piac,

After installing Lunchbox through Rhino 7 PackageManager gh_python component stops working.
Do you know what should I do to have both lunchbox and ghpython?

When opening grasshopper
Priority: GhpyLoader
{ Failed to load language ‘IronPython 2.7.9’: Method not found: ‘System.Type System.TypeExtensions.GetTypeInfo(System.Type)’.

GH_Python component itself

Hi Bartlomiej

I moved this to a new topic.
This problems seems related to the general IronPython implementation that @stevebaer knows more about.

In general, this type of problems are related to independent IronPython installations, that interfere with files installed by Rhino. More info….

Try uninstalling IronPython and, if other programs require it, re-installing it without the GAC option.



Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates

I did not have independent ironpython, I had pure python 2.7.9.
I uninstalled it and now it works.
Thank you for the help :slight_smile:

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