Hello, I’m developing a basic definition with a dynamic price based on the size of the model. However, when I try to export the number using the tool direct data output, it’s not being shown on my ShapeDiver viewer.
I thought that I may be doing it wrong, so I downloaded the example file for direct data output, and non of the exported parameters are displayed.
What could be the issue? I’m using Rhino 6, Pro Plan.
Direct Data Outputs do not turn into UI elements displaying data on the platform. They only generate outputs in the viewer API and therefore can be used by developers to connect to a web application. We will likely add a display element for those values in the future, but we are still evaluating the best way to do that since those outputs do not necessarily contain a single value but possibly an entire tree of values.
If you do not have access to the API in your plan, or do not plan to use it, I suggest you use 2D text tags in Grasshopper in order to display prices directly in the 3D viewer.