Problem with thickness


Im new using Rhino and Gh, and I am trying to make an arm cast using a Voronoi structure.
I manage to create the mesh of the cast from the codes that I used in grasshopper, but when I set several values of thickness I can’t see a difference between them and I need to be able of manipulate this parameter of my cast

I would be very gratefull if someone can help me out and take a look of my project,

Thank you (12.7 KB)
0149.3dm (8.5 MB)

You probably should use Sporph component.
Is that what you are after? (12.0 KB)

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What is the component Sporph?

It tries to deform a surface to match another surface! Probably stands for something like SurfacePolyMorph? :wink:

It tries to deform a surface to match another surface!

Actually it just morphs any geometry form one surface to another. It is the same as FlowAlongSurface (in fact typing Sporph in Rhino will run the FlowAlongSurface command). I believe is stands for SPace mORPH.

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Thanks !

Here’s another way to turn a surface into a Voronoi. You can read more about surface & solid Voronois here: Apply 3D Voronoi to Volume

Make (164.9 KB)