Problem with sweep commands


I am trying to create a plank in 3D, but I have problems producing the plank.
The sweep1 command will not create a plank and the sweep2 command doesn’t produce a plank of equal thickness (see attachted image). I don’t understand why.

Does anybody have some suggestions?

Kind regards,


Cogship_question.3dm (54.7 KB)


you could try setting the Maintain height option checked for the sweep2 command.
Other is trying to simplify the curve so both rail curves to have same number of control points may help the
shape to be a more similar.

Can the rail/crosssection be able to be modified?

Doing up to one cross-section pair at a time may help to see the problem better.

Hello - I’d say that input is not going to be able to make a clean object directly. If you Loft the rail curves, and use Rebuild in the Loft dialog, with maybe 100 points or so, then OffsetSrf the result, you may get something like a plank.
Cogship_question_PG.3dm (333.6 KB)
