Problem with large IFC file opening using VisualARQ

I was having a problem of opening with an IFC file which is about 1.2GB and every time rhino is crashed. However whenever i opend it in Revit, it is easily opened without Revit getting crashed. Any suggestions? I can also share RhinoCrashDump file.

Hi @Hassan_Nawaz please share the IFC file to and we will take a look.
Which Rhino and VisualARQ versions are you using?

Thank you, i am sharing the same in the email. I am using Rhino 8 and VisualARQ Beta 3

Hi @Hassan_Nawaz , that’s a very old thread, I know, but while improving the new features of IFC in VisualARQ 3, we stumbled on this crash you reported here. The file opens fine now using VisualARQ 3.1.