Problem with display visualization

Hello! =)

I am having problems with the display visualization with solid surfaces and curves. I am working with 3D and 2D in different layers, and when I have my 2D layer turned on with any solid looks like this:

but if I turn off the 2D layer, I can see the solids

I am having some trouble figuring it out on my own (or finding some similar problem in the forum). I believe there is some problem with the file, I opened other files they are okay, also tested them on different computers (just to discard some hardware problems).

Hi Cibele -

It’s hard to troubleshoot an issue from pictures. Export a few of those objects to a new file and post that here.
Apart from that, if all 2D objects are curves and hatches, you could try the ClearDrawOrder command on those.

Hi Wim!

I tried your suggestion with the command and did not work. I am attaching the new file and some print screen how I view in my computer.

test_.3dm (371.1 KB)

Just an update!

I tried again - ClearDrawOrder command and it worked! I have things in different blocks and the solution was edit the blocks using the command. But the command does not work when you select the blocks - you need to edit them as well!

thanks a lot!

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