Problem using HoopSnake!

Dear All,
I am trying to use the Hoop Snake plugin for this definition where I want to scale and rotate the lines around the (0,0,0) point. I have done the following according to the sample files that came with the plugin, yet I do not know what else to do with the output of the plugin to make the scale/rotation happen!
Thank you in advance for your guidance

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I’ve heard of lots of problems with Hoopsnake.
Have you contacted the Hoopsnake developer with your examples?

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Dear John Brock,

No I haven’t still done it. Actually, I think it’s not a very good idea to use loops with the help of plugins. I am leaning C# in order to use loops more efficiently.


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You might want to use Anemone instead of hoopsnake. It has a start loop and end loop component that help with controlling the loop.

Although using scripting would probably be better in the long run for loops.

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