Many thanks Japhy.
I had a look to the Dynamo core build, however I couldn’t find any .exe file for Dynamo installation other than DynamoSandbox (app not integrated on Revit environment) on those files. Looking at dynamobuilds website, it looks like the only way to install Dynamo is through Revit installation. I hope there is another solution for binging back my lacking files.
Do you think part of param problem RiR is realted to this (I could use Dynamo days ago without any troubles)?.
I really appreciate your effort to solve those issues, I feel a bit desperate in view of my close final thesis deadline.
I see, well, I could live without that using Dynamo instead, when I can open it. Please let me know as soon you know something related to my missing folders.
Hello, I’m also getting the same error message in creating parameters. It used to work before, but I found this error last week. I updated the RiR to the latest public release version, v1.11.8410, this morning, but it didn’t resolve the issue. Can I get any suggestions?
Thank you, @Japhy. I disabled everything except RiR using Addin Manager, but I still get the same error. I’m getting this error in Revit 2023, so I tested in Revit 2022 and it worked fine. I’ll see if reinstalling Revit 2023 will resolve the issue.
Hi @Japhy, I verified the issue is company-wide, not just on my computer. I’m getting this issue after installing the Revit 2023.1.1 hotfix. I’m certain that I didn’t have problems before installing the hotfix. Would it be possible for you to test it in the Revit 2023.1.1?
Exactly, vers. 2022 is working perfectly, even Dynamo in my case. However, projects done in newer vers are not compatible with Revit previous ones, that said, it’s not an option in my case with a whole project solved in 2023.
Thanks @Japhy, I tested this issue on one of our company computers with the Revit 2023.1.1 Hotfix not installed. I didn’t get this error before installing the hotfix. As soon as I installed the hotfix, I could duplicate this issue. I’m sure it has to do with the Revit 2023.1.1 Hotfix.
Thank you so much Japhy.
Finally, I reach a solution with the missing Dynamo folders, and get the software working.
A installation of the Revit Hotfix 2023.0.2 replace the empty folders for the new ones, none of the other Revit 2023 vers did the job.
I still have the same issue eventhough I just updated revit to 2023.1.2.
Please, where can I find the missing dynamo folders and how to replace them with the revit hotfix 2023.0.2. Thanks a lot.
Dear Kike
This thread was marked as solved 6 months ago.
Installing the last Revit 2023 hotfix allowed Dynamo to work again.
The RiR bug was fixed at that time as well.