I have asked this question before and Brian suggested studying the relevant video on materials, rendering and environments but it didn’t help me resolve my problem. Okay, here goes. I am importing a tree model as an obj file. I have set the renderer as ‘rhino render’. I am using the material editor to assign textures to the trunk, twigs and boughs of the tree. I am sourcing a collection of wood textures I have collected over the years. My wood textures are a mix of TGA’s and Jpegs and some BMP files. Some of the textures I try assigning work perfectly but most of them give me a pop up dialog box headed ‘rdk’ and displaying ‘The parameter is incorrect’. What I would like to know is what parameter is incorrect. Is it the file size or resolution or file type? If I knew what the parameter was I could possibly correct the texture in Paint shop or Photoshop but I am mystified at this point to know how to correct it.
Hi Andy and Normand,
Thanks both for your help. I managed to overcome the problem. Bear in mind that these are ancient images from Raydream Designer(3d Dream)…a very old Corel program. I converted the files from 256 color BMP to 8 bit TGA files and I can now apply them without the error message. By the way, I’m using Rhino 5 with the latest update and have the renderer set as Rhino Render.