Precision issue

I’ve created a simple curve with lines and arcs. I’ve created from this unique curve walls and a slab. If I zoom closer I can see the slab and the walls are not coincidental.

Hi @lopez,

This display issue happens because geometry needs to be tesselated to be displayed on a computer display.

Some display modes, like wireframe, will be very precise because tesselation can be done in real-time on each display draw. Still, other display modes rely on statically computed meshes: one display mesh for each surface. This display mesh will be used in all viewports, independently of the zoom, so you’ll see the mesh facets if you look very close.

Some display modes use mixed-mode tesselation: curves and edges using dynamic tesselation, surfaces using static tesselation (meshes). These modes are Shaded, Rendered, Ghosted, etc.

Finally, some display modes always use static tesselation for edge surfaces. Because it is required to show the object silhouettes, these display modes are Technical, Hidden, Conceptual, Realistic, etc.

You can increase the mesh precision in the Rhino Document Options. Here you will find more information:

Take into account that both, Rhino and VisualARQ are precise and make all the calculations using the original curves/surfaces. Tesselated meshes are only used for display.



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Hi Enric,
thank you for your message.
How could I avoid having 2 different lines if I need to print it on a big scale (i.e. at 1:1)?

Hi @lopez,

If you need perfect curves, you need to print using vector output and using a wireframe viewport (not using “Hidden” or “Technical” display mode).

You can try to use very detailed mesh settings also.


I see,
thank you,

Hi Enric,
I’ve found that using the 2d Plan or 2D section commands of Visualarq the lines became rights. So please never delete these functions! (I remember one post of Francesc Salla where he suggested using the real-time sections because the idea was to use only this last command for the future release of Visualarq (at least I’ve understood this…).

Hi @lopez,

We won’t delete these functions, but it may become more focused on exporting/printing (precisely what you’re doing) than for working on the model.

I mean, there is a planned feature for VisualARQ 3: existing details on layouts may be exported/printed using our plan/view sections, so the output is better. This will be slower, so this will be like a final export option.

There are no plans to directly remove plan/section views on VisualARQ 3. Our plan is that users need them less and less (although they will still exist internally).



It could be nice if the exporting/printing will have the right and not approximated output. I can’t understand why is not possible to program this fundamental function. As an architect, I must have the same line that indicates the wall and the slab in my layout, not two different lines that don’t exist in reality. Of course for rendering or approximated perspective it could be good, but not for technical drawings.

Hello! To understand this correctly: when a Layout is exported/printed, Details will automatically be ‘converted’ to what now are vaPlan/SectionViews? Sounds nice and logical.
Will the ‘Hidden’ mode still be necessary in these to-be-converted-Details then?


Hi @Eugen,

Of course. Only details using the “hidden” display mode will be converted to plan/section views. The other display modes will be printed normally.
