today some hours ago somebody has deleted a post of mine which was neither insulting nor was it rude at all, it is absolutely confusing as to why somebody would delete these posts? i had earlier last year some arguments with some admin in pm over this topic which left quite a bitter taste behind, though that was regarding an issue where i got quite honest (still not rude or insulting) but maybe somebody could see that as being a bit too harsh (though i still dont believe that)
here on the other side deleting any kind of arbitrary posts just because they do not reflect your inner zen is just simply overstepping your boundaries, what is this supposed to be good for?
having the power to admin does not make you a good admin.
i found it, a reply to a 1st time poster, not sure if it was flagged. It’s not inappropriate, although it could be considered harsh. Would you like it restored?
“i have no idea what your intentions are and whatever you call job here, it is unmistakably comprehensible that you need help. i am not sure how i am supposed to have misunderstood that. that is basically asking others to do your job”
hi @Japhy thank you for having a look. since the op already responded to it i dont think it makes any difference now, but if you think that nothing evil rude or insulting has been said then maybe just put it back again, up to you.
i am just generally riddled that someone goes ahead and completely deletes it out of the blue like that. i had that happen once or twice already and i am getting a strong feeling of being babysitted, tailgated, targeted by someone that is trying to format me to his/her personal inter communicational standards.
usually when something gets flagged one gets a notification i assume so i dont believe it was even flagged. i hope its alright if i dont sound like flowers and cotton candy only all day long, sometimes expressing confusion to allow a normal human being to breath would be quite alright i hope. i guess it is not possible to find out who has such a low opinion about my responds?