Potential Rhino 9 WIP Feature: Flair

hi Tay, Well… of course, absolutely anything can be achieved by manually creating it in a workflow where you are modeling a backdrop + creating custom HDR lighting +creating + reassigning all materials, etc.

The whole point of a well-designed, programmed, and delivered working viewmode is that you have to do zero work to achieve all those same effects, or an acceptable alternative, without having to do all that work, and do so undestructively.



Ofcourse , good diagrams with minimal effort is always a challenge that I hope one day to see with Rhino

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fwiw, I have been approaching flair like a new medium for making images. I see it like paint and brushes, or any other art supply you want to use.

Can the defaults be fiddled so people who want to just button click their images add day long? sure. Continue to send us some examples of what you are looking for and we’ll do our best to adapt.


the real magic of flair comes from experimenting with flair style, lighting, material types, surface finish,texture, background image etc…

There are always going to be people who just want to button click art, and that’s fine, but for me Flair has opened up a whole new way to present images and I’m all in for that.

Another important thing remember. This is Flair 1.0… it has a lot more power to give under the hood, but also has a LOT of underlying complexity. Trying to balance usability and control is a constant push/pull.

I am excited to see what you all do with this, and it’s one of the few times FAAFO (google it) ends up being a good thing.


I got permission to dig into @jeff 's dev folder and post some images that are outside of the current defaults to help illustrate some of the deeper capabilities of Flair.

these are all still fully interactive 3d models, can be rotated on screen and used just like any other display mode. (with expected performance impacts due to the display complexity and your machines power)


I’ve only briefly looked into flair, and found it difficult to set up a look. It depends on settings that are scattered around the interface and depend a lot on the display mode you apply the flare to. This I think is going to be hard to learn/teach/support.

The best so far I could achieve looks like this:

I agree with @gustojunk that in order to make this successful, we need a few curated settings to start with that people want to use. If at all possible, I would prefer this to be a display mode rather than a display display mode … :grimacing:

The current presets are not going to be something I would consider useful and certainly not something I would send to a client. As @tay.othman already mentioned, they currently all look like posterized photoshop images.

In it’s current state, if you throw this at the average user, it’s like throwing a basket full of ingredients to a person that has never cooked before, and say: here, you have all that’s needed to make a wonderful dish, just pick the right combination of ingredients AND the right amounts :slight_smile:

(side note: model is Shiro Kuramata’s “Sofa with arms”)


Agreed, keep playing with it and keep sending images that help define what this means and we will refine the settings and UI to meet this goal.

what I would like to see is control over the edges that are in the light and those that are in the shadow, so that you can emphasize the ones in the shadow, like you would do in a sketch.

In general I don’t like and never would use the posterized edges effect where you see a dark/light/dark lines.


I am in the “people” category- a craftsman who builds musical instruments and spends my days in a dusty workshop. Please give me a dozen stunning presets and a few sliders to play with. I am very excited to see this being developed and hope it will be useful for less advanced users like myself.


Yep… :+1: +1

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Great feedback, please send images that are representative of the looks and styles you would consider “stunning”. We can use those and adjust our presets to try and replicate them.

for example:
your own sketches :slight_smile:

The first sketch on this page, shows nice linework that creates depth by thicker lines in the foreground and thinner in the background: https://www.scottdesigner.com/trying-to-do-at-least-one-car-sketch-a-day/

and here are a few more sources of inspiration. Especially Markus Kindler on behance is worth looking into.


There are people doing amazing NPR pencil shaders, this one is from Florent Lebrun:


Plenty of styles, plenty of possibilities to go with. I think a Outline + wireframe style + flair would also be neat (e.g. to show patch layouts/ SubD topology).



speed racer forever

settings (model assigned all with a white plastic material)


hmmm my initial thought, as an adjunct architecture educator is please please please no as it can often get tricky when you’re trying to evaluate something and your students are adding a lot of flair onto an image. Something I appreciate with rhino is the deadpan technical representation of the data in the viewport. Let other softwares excel at representation, IMO.

Then I thought deeper on this and thought of a project we were working on earlier this year - controlling all the rhino common view mode settings via gh and how much of a (and I mean this politely) total mess the view options settings are and how little documentation exists on the various settings, along with how different built in view modes use unique sets and unique orders of different viewsettings. If flair could be a platform to completely customize the viewport - including rasterizers and layering multiple view modes together, I would be interested.

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All this is to say, a really good NPR platform built natively inside rhino that works MUCH better than Revit’s god awful shader would be a super useful addition and fairly unique in the technical modeling software world, but what we don’t need is photoshop type effect layers on top of rhino viewports. Like if I could natively wrap a vector hatch over geometry in the viewport, we would be talking.

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do you have some examples of what you would be looking for with this?

I would love to see something that resembles a sketch, and this looks interesting:

From a blender user:

But more important is the ability to store this in the file. I can’t stress it enough.
Make some hardwired displaymodes and store the overrides in the 3dm.
I understand it’s hard work, but it’s the ony way we can use this across different machines.


@jeff I have another wish:

The ability to adjust Gamma and Saturation for a detail. (and brightness and contrast maybe)
Could that be done to the “live stream” of the viewport information? or would it have to be a post effect like a flair?

And sorry for sounding like a broken record, but I just need to stress this: Being able to set up details that look the same in the future, even if the file is opened after 3 years, with out worrying about the computer having the same display mode settings as last time, or as on the other computer, is my biggest wish by far.


Absolutely concur!
Display modes should be part of the file, not just a Rhino option. It’s way too easy to forget to export the display mode and re-import it on another machine.
Files (including layouts, renderings, …) should look exactly the same, no matter where you open them.