PostGIS 9.4 / FGDB 10.0 import

Cheers, the files works very well.

Forum update:
I added a sampler option to get every second pixel in every second line to reduce the mesh to 1/4 the resolution. Since it is a DTM each pixel knows it’s physical position, so positional accuracy is maintained.
And then I added the map textures with my other tool which results in pixel perfect positioning of the map as well.


Hi @Henrik
I noticed has some ArcGIS REST services providing topo and other raster imagery which could be an alternate way of approaching building your terrain model. Using Heron’s RESTRaster component, you can set an arbitrary boundary to get a tiff file from the service which can then be used to create a mesh topography with ImportTopo. The higher you set the resolution in the RESTRaster component, the higher resolution the tiff will be and the more vertexes you will have in your mesh. So if you don’t need a ton of definition, you can keep the resolution lower. (35.2 KB)



Positional accuracy for map textures is a huge plus :+1:

Thank you very much Brian, that is awesome that one can adjust parameters in order to tweek the model this way. I think it will be a steep learning curve if I dive into this, I not very good with parametric software, impressive work. :+1:

Thanks, that’s just the nudge I needed to understand how I could get access to the aerial images with rasterio.