Pop-up toolbar super glitchy in text only mode

Image speaks for itself. It’s a pop-up toolbar with “text only” options.

It works ok when it pops-out of another menu, but when you drag it out and while editing it, it’s a disaster.

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Is this when you are deleting buttons?
Otherwise let me know how to reproduce this issue.

Changing buttons from “inherit” to “text only”.

I’m confused how you are trying to do this. If I switch from buttons to text for all buttons I do that through the toolbar/container properties.

Uploading: 1698243054651.png…

Uploading: 1698243054651.png…

@Alan7 the uploads don’t seem to be working

I wasn’t aware of that option. I’m doing it per button.

It looks like this also needs a restart of Rhino
RH-77909 Changing a button to text needs a restart of Rhino