Hi all,
I get strange results when I use the Make2D.
First it’s based on a fairly complex model created in Rhino7.
And I also have to admit there are lots of net based step model downloads in the file.
Rhino 7 produces a hardly acceptable result using Make2D
. Followed by several hours of fine tuning in case you want to avoid “poor quality” comments on your final drawing.
Now I tried Version 8 SR4 (8.4.24044.15001, 2024-02-13)
When I use clipping tools everything looks just like you have done a good job right from the start. Also the calculation time drops significantly. Congratulations to whomever
Is there a way to get colored results (keeping layers) using section tools?
If not I may ask for it right away?
But Make 2d
turns out way different.
All lines are drawn invincible except for a few artifacts and 2 circles
which I can’t access for a move using a rectangle left to right.
Right to left works.
Most likely because the circles are accompanied by huge squares you realize when you do a zoom out.
Any idea what is going on here?
I used the same workflow like in Rhino7.