Hi all, I’m trying to work out how I can add a Rhino.AddPolyline but with the equivalent of Mode=Line and Mode=Arc sections. I can use the Rhino.Command “Pline” method but it leaves a lot of text in the command history which the NoEcho option doesn’t supress.
I’m guessing it could be built with arcs and line segments that could be joined, but I thought there might be a more sophisticated way to do it!
I am not sure if that helps with what you are trying to do, but you can use “~” before the command to suppress all the command options from command line (they would still work though). Polyline command would still print the “select next point” message…
While in command, you can type mode=Line or mode=Arc, if you need them to be activated during the command (placed on key shortcuts or buttons?). Why is the command history mess a problem? You can clear it after the command completes, but not while picking points I think)