Polyline Offset Alternative

Hi all,

A thing I have been wondering for the Polyline Offset component. To use it, I need to convert curves to polylines (or it does so automatically), which leads to much more control points for e.g arcs, compared to the original:

In next steps (boundary surface, extrude) and for larger patterns, this leads to heavier models, as there would be more data (points of the polyline, instead of NURBS).

Is there a way to do an offset like polyline offset, but to maintain NURBS curves? Like the regular offset, but leading to closed shapes.

Thank you!

this might be a way:

double_connected_offset.gh (11.0 KB)

that is really nice, thanks.

The issue is that, with the geometry as in example, multiple lines intersect. The Polyline Offset component combines that to nicely closed shapes.

in that case you could Boundary Surface them and Region Union alltogether:

double_connected_offset_Re.gh (14.8 KB)

as it is, this definition does not support Closed Curves, but I guess it could be easily adapted


that is a very elegant solution, and works quite well…

top one is the polyline, bottom is the curves.

I’m a bit confused really, why is the “polyline offset” component based on polylines and not on Nurbs? Or why is there not a similar component for NURBS…Seems to me to have many applications…

Thanks again!