Points not moving in sync/ parallel ( The axis that i need )

Hi gang, Im looking to adjust the offset of my triangle more dynamically.

At the moment, i managed, with one parameter adjustment, move all points in an inset motion.

However, i am having trouble for the lowest point to move in an axis that is parallel to my geometry.

Also, i can understand this is not the most intuitive way of doing this. Happy for any suggestions.

Thanks gang.

Step 1, Offset from main geometry

Step 2, Further offset

however, not following desired axis / parallel to its former geometry

240219_Triangle Column.gh (18.4 KB)

Model test.3dm (7.8 MB)

I am also looking to sweep the circle geometry around the 1st and 2nd line to create a loop but am struggling to do so. Any tips would be appreciated. thanks gang


Why :question: Why use a plugin when there is a standard GH component? More importantly, why use Shift Paths at all when the data tree you are shifting looks like this :question: :question:


When code starts this way, nothing good will come of it… and indeed, on further examination, nothing about your code makes sense. :-1:

As far as I remember, people were seeking a ‘safer’ ShiftPath, and some packages provided it.

I know about the flaws in the standard component:

But in this case, there appears to be no reason to use it at all.

This GH code is terrible. I would post a better way but don’t even know what @Liam_yongging is trying to do?