Points "inside" curves are wrongly identified as "outside"

As shown in the GH file attached below, the 18 points inside 18 polylines were all wrongly identified as outside the curve by the “Points in Curves” component.

May I ask why I have such error, considering that all curves and points are on the xy plane?

error_to_identify_point_inside_curve.gh (25.8 KB)

Why do you graft the curves?

I want to get the point inside each curve.

Hmmm projecting all the geometry onto the same plane gives me a result:

I found rebuilding the curves helps.

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Thanks, @ftzuk

However, I’m unable to replicate your successful implementation.

As shown below, the points projected to a flat surface on xy plane have different z coordinates, and I’m not sure why.

May I ask the expression you used for the unit z vector in the “project point” and “project curve to surface” components?


error_to_identify_point_inside_curve___v02.gh (24.9 KB)

indeed, thanks, @martinsiegrist

I wonder why “rebuilding curve” is the solution in this situation… and how to check if a curve need to be rebuilt…

error_to_identify_point_inside_curve___v03.gh (25.8 KB)

I think something might be wrong with your curves. Creating a Convex Hull around each shape also helps.

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Yes, I prefer your “convex hull” solution as it will not increase the number of control points in the curve.

…and I do need check why these curves are abnormal…

Thank you very much, again.