I would like to find the clashes between a closed polysurface and a given point cloud.
The procedure that i follow gives not the desired result and i think it is because of a bug.
Below i describe the procedure that i m following; your opinion is highly appreciated
Starting point:
1 Pointcloud and 1 closed polysurface
I use the Pointcloud command and i select the remove option.
I then type the selvolumeobject and i select my closed polysurface object.
I expect that the selection will be all points that are in the enclosed volume of that polysurface
However the result is shown in the attached screenshot.
As a pointcloud is one object, I don’t think SelVolumeObject will select only part of it. Below is a script that will clip a point cloud with a closed brep or mesh volume. It is not parallel processed, so it might be slow with huge point clouds. FWIW…
Edit: added closed mesh volume selection as well.
Edit 2: added color support
Edit 3: fixed bug - extrusions weren’t working
Thanks alot for the script!
I just tested with a point cloud of 35M points and works very well.
The only thing that it does is that the color of the parent point cloud is being discarded after.
But this i can easily solve with just having a copy of the point cloud.
Thanks again!!