Point list command "mistake"?

i have created a very simple command diagram to connect points in the way that i want but it didnt work so ichecked with “point list” command and realized that one set of points is “numbered wrong”. can anyone tell me why is this

most likely because the points are added in reverse order, but you need to attach a script for me/other to know.

here it is
unnamed.gh (19.6 KB)

the relevant part is not included, I cannot help you with this file. As I mention looks like like in the merge/weave/insert (what every you used) you made a mistake.

Seems you just learning gh, try not to copy/paste similar chunks of code, but use grafted logic. Then at least everything processes the same. Also as a habit, try to use panels or alike in stead of hidden inputs (like the shift). Just add panel with 0 or 1, same for wrap (true or false). Easier to debug

don’t know how you created those points, but this looks like a scenario of XYZ coordinate decimals issue when using automatic-sorting components like Sort Points:

those points in the red-circled parameter looks like all are sharing the same X coordinate (even if you check with Format and 20 decimals they will be fine) but in reality they are not

look what happens with Sort Points on them: different shade of same issue

this is because with Sort Point, for instance:

  1. those are sorted by X coordinate
  2. the if they share the very same X coordinate, they are sorted by Y
  3. then if they share also the very same Y then they are sorted by Z

in this case, they do not share the same X, so they belong to two different Y sorting groups:

the easiest solution is to sort them by Y coordinate, ignoring their X coordinate

the other solution is to round their coordinate values to a defined number of digits, standard sort them, then use the index list to sort them for real:

looks like the problem arises at the 11th decimal of the X coordinate:

unnamed_Re.gh (23.3 KB)

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this is great, thank you !