Point Attractor Sunshade

Good Morning,

I’ve created a glass façade from triangles, in the next step I would like to model a sunshade as shown in the picture. The sunshade should be adaptive and controllable using point attractors. A distinction should be made between no solar shading, half closed and closed/full down. How can I best realize this in Grasshopper?

Any help is helpful and many thanks in advance!
Triangular Glass Facade.gh (26.6 KB)

what does this mean?

  1. No shadeing
  2. full down
  3. half down
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this might be a way to have point attractors to classify panels based on distances remapped into a [0,1] Domain, sliders in (A) to play with Domains :

Triangular Glass Facade_Re.gh (34.1 KB)

the result is a data structure where Panels are in branches depending on the type of shading you will build over them:

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