Please integrate sweep1 options in grasshopper component

In some cases sweep1 is the only way to go. While the rhino command offers a good set of options, the grasshopper component only has “miter”. In rhino when sweeping I nearly almost use “global shape blending” (see pic below … top: with “global shape blending”, bottom without)
Would it be possible to integrate all sweep options into the component? Or offer a sweep options component (like “loft options”)?

cheers Roberto

there is a very complete Sweep1 function in Rhinocommon if someone with the Balls would be so kind to implement a user object out of that (I’m stable in top 5% worst PyCode writers EU 2017-2025),ienumerable<curve>,point3d,point3d,sweepframe,vector3d,bool,sweepblend,sweepmiter,double,sweeprebuild,int,double)

I can´t find “global shape blending”. Am I missing something?

  • blendType
  • Type: SweepBlend
  • The shape blending type.
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thanks for the explanation!

no errorchecking,
no finetune.
just wrapped the method in a c# component. (12.9 KB)

for the details of the enums

   (Rhino.Geometry.SweepFrame) frameType,
   (Rhino.Geometry.SweepBlend) blendType,
   (Rhino.Geometry.SweepMiter) miterType,
   (Rhino.Geometry.SweepRebuild) rebuildType,

see the documentation here.

casting from int to the enum type might fail.
EDIT/UPDATE: I added valueLists for the enums to make it more readable.

it would be great if an unconnected Parameter with Type Hint “Point3d” will become (wish) Point3d.Unset and not (current) 0,0,0.


Thank you very much!!
Just downloaded the component and will give some feedback when I find the time to test it.

Hello Tom_P,
took some time until I could test your “sweep1 with options”. I simplified a complex setting that I used for an ordinary sweep1 some time ago.

The sweep with options component works very well, also when dragging the sliders.

It gives a wrong result if I use the rail as it was created but works with a flipped version while grasshoppers original sweep1 component works with both versions of the rail.

thanks again! (47.1 KB)