Plane command help - options not included

Why does help for the Plane command neglect list most of the command line options, and say “See the Rectangle command for detailed option descriptions”? Help for every command should list all command line options
Plane Help

Could you please provide screenshots or a file to help us better understand your problem?


@parametrixxx Are you able to edit the help files for McNeel?

Start the Plane command.
The command line says: “First corner of plane ( 3Point Vertical Center AroundCurve Deformable )”
Help does not include mention these options.
Help says: “See the Rectangle command for detailed option descriptions”
Plane Help


If I understand it right you can check the Rectangle entry and check all the detailed options (3Point, Vertical, Center, AroundCurve) (

The only option that is not included here is the “Deformable” one. But this one is included in the Plane one (

I think you’re misunderstanding @davidcockey’s request… He simply would like to see that info under the Plane help topic even if it already exists for Rectangle. @KelvinC


Ok. I understand. Maybe a simple Link could also help as the plane and rectangle command indeed have a lot in common.

As I said in the first post:

Got that, thanks.
RH-62321 Help: Include information on all options


Many of the options are shared by many commands, such as:
Rectangle, Plane, MeshPlane, SubDPlane, Picture, ClippingPlane, ApplyPlanarMapping, Box, MeshBox, SubDBox, ApplyBoxMapping… Some of the commands have their own options.

I tried to add all options (two years ago maybe) to all rectangle related command topics and gave up because it would make those topics very long and difficult to manage. If a shared option is added or changed, I may have to edit every one of those command topics.

Now RH-14391 added a new EdgeMidpoint option to the Rectangle command under the 3Point option. I took this chance to try again. After several hours of work, I gave up again. It is like breaking a beehive.

So it would be too much work for Help to be complete …

Why have Help in that case?

Time is limited.

Now these topics include all options.


I’m a bit late to the party, sorry, I was going to suggest to create one single page with all the rectangle creation options (with all the little videos) and then from any command that uses them, simply provide a link in the Help topic… Saves duplication and makes editing easier.



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Thanks for the suggestion. I use this kind of arrangement for sub-options in the *Sphere topics.

I use “snippets” for the *Plane, *Box… commands. Snippets can be inserted into htm files like external blocks in Rhino. I usually have to figure out common contents in different topics to create snippets. The problem is contents may not be exactly common in different topics.