Hello all!
I am fairly new at using visualARQ, but have a decent amount of experience in rhino itself. I am working on putting together a set of documents for a final presentation and can’t seem to figure out a few things:
Can you “halftone” the floors/levels below in 2d or 3d plans?
How do you set particular floors/levels to only be visible in detail views?
Can you automatically set a layer to show dashed for above?
Im basically looking to create halfway decent looking plans, the information provided isn’t bad straight out of the plans created through visualARQ, but they have no depth and aren’t the prettiest to look at. Does all of this have to be done with post processing?
Currently this is not possible. In VisualARQ 2.0 we have partially implemented a “Depth Cue” feature that blends objects with the background according to the distance to camera. This feature is not yet finished and it doesn’t have any UI. Moreover, we don’t know if this will be in the final version version of VisualARQ 2.0 as not many users have requested it. Here is a sample of what it looks like:
Is this OK to you? Can you give an example of a plan with halftones levels?
You can show any particular level on any detail using the level manager. Once you have created the detail, enter on it, select the level you want to show on this detail, and click on the button to enable the plan view:
I don’t understand. Do you want to see objects that are clipped by the cut plane?
Depth cueing looks like a great feature. That’s something we do pretty frequently at my firm for plan elements that are below the current floor on a drawing, and also in details for elements that are behind the cut plane but in the drawing for context. It’s one of the few things that’s very easy to do in the BIM software we use (Vectorworks).
P.s. From my perspective depth cue/halftone is for making objects recessive in each view. In a building elevation it can be things set behind the primary elevated plane (ie. parallel to the elevation but set back a distance from the immediate elevation).
Alternative for this use case is creating a seperate elevation for each ‘depth’ on any given orientation/elevation.
Can also use it to order the visual hierarchy in the view…
Above/below is just a way to see the elements differently in the view of interest.
Here’s a small example of plan depth. The main focus is third floor units in these buildings, but we have street level information greyed in.
One way I can think of for doing this having an option to grey lines for the levels below the current level when selecting a level for vaPlanView. I hope that sentence makes sense.
Haltone the level behind the current drawing level is a good feature to have. For now I use a grasshopper script to do something similar but if it can be native it’s nice.
The ideal would be to half tone and to lock the level under.
Hi @flavien.bessiere we have this feature on our wish-list, so we will notify when there are any news.
Related to this feature, you can already try the “override attributes” feature implemented in Section and Plan view styles (in VisualARQ 2.12), which let you assign a specific color to all objects displayed in projection in plan and section views. You can see how it works here: Section View Attributes Overrides - VisualARQ - YouTube