Place Spheres with different color and Radii on points on a curve

Hey guys,

I am looking for a way to place a list of spheres with different radii along existing point on a curve.
Currently I have a very basic script, which allows me to control individual spheres,

but I want to be able to import a list of spheres, all with different radii so that I do not have to set the radius for each one. If possible, I would like to make each sphere a different color as well, defined by either a hex code or rgb values. I think the data would look something like this.

0.8, FFFF00 (equals a sphere with a .8mm radius, colored yellow
0.5, FF0000 (equals a sphere with a .5mm radius, colored red (7.3 KB)

Any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks, Callum.

Use a list of sizes equal to the amount of points. Look at components like range, series, distance, ect.

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Hope it helps you out… (11.2 KB)

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Awesome thanks for the tips, will definitely look into these components.

Hey thanks for the script! It was very helpful :slight_smile:

Hi Michael,

Just wondering if you know how I could go about getting the data into a readable list format. For example if I have ten Radii in a list (1,2,4,3,2,6,8,3) and ten points on a curve, how can I get that data into grasshopper, and how can I get my script to assign a sphere with a specific radii to each point? The problem with components like range and series is they seem to generate a list of numbers based off a few parameters:

Where as I just want to assign specific existing radii to each point. Any advice would be much appreciated!
By the way, love your instagram!

Cheers, Callum.

It is better to generate your list in some way but if you have already some specific number you absolutely need you can input them.

For example if I have ten Radii in a list (1,2,4,3,2,6,8,3)

That’s only 8 numbers so I added 2 more in the example attached. Although GH will use longest list rules by default if you gave 8 it would just repeat the last value for the remaining spheres. I highly suggest you get this book and this pdf so you understand what grasshopper is and how/why it works. (6.9 KB)

Aaaah so simple, thank you so much! Also Thanks for the links, I have been using Rhino for a while but have only just started using grasshopper. Trying to read as much as I can on the subject so these will come in handy.

Cheers, Callum.

Fyi, there’s a updated edition of the Grasshopper primer linked above:

and also a web version:

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Ah yes was looking for the modelab one but the link on the old gh forum was dead.