Perspective View Displays Shaded with Wireframe command w Via enabled

The plans and elevation views behave properly, but I can’t get the perspective view into Wireframe mode. The cli shows the command, but the view goes to shaded. If I run the project without Va, it works as it should.

Hi @djhg that’s weird. Have you run the _SetObjectDisplayMode to that geometry?
Can you share that file so I can take a look?

It has had set object display mode run on it, but its been set back to “use view” and will change to shaded and rendered as the view mode does.

WireframeDisplaysShadedWithVaEnabled.3dm (7.0 MB)
Not being able to revert back to Wireframe is severely slowing a large project, so it would be great to be able to solve this one.

Hi @djhg I can’t reproduce this issue. VisualARQ is enabled. See gif attached, just in case you are doing it differently:
display modes

I had been using an (incorrect) shortcut for ‘UseView’; and when I used the full command a few more objects followed the command into wireframe, but the issue remains that quite a few objects won’t display in wireframe (other view modes don’t seem to be obstructed). When the problem first arose I immediately updated my graphics card, but that made no difference.