Performance tanks during Fillet edge

Since the huge drop in performance only happens during the preview of the “Fillet” command that exposes all the surface isocurves temporarily, I just wonder if that means that the geometry is being rendered multiple times simultaneously? Is the GPU or CPU responsible for the rendering of the preview isocurves at that particular moment? My CPU is quite old (but still performing perfectly fine) - Intel Core i5-4460 from 2014, while my GPU is Nvidia GTX1660Ti from 2019.

Just downloaded and installed Rhino 8 WIP. Performance during Fillet preview is at least twice as bad compared to Rhino 7. Extremely bad. :space_invader: I expected Rhino 8 WIP to be faster…
Also, the viewport rendering quality in Rhino 8 WIP is noticeably worse than Rhino 7 when opening the exactly the same file with exactly the same viewport settings and default meshing (Jagged and faster). Not sure why it’s like that. Meshing in Rhino 8 WIP seems to hide the seams of the polysurfaces in certain areas. Also, the highlights of the environment map in Rhino 8 WIP are lower quality and don’t blend smoothly across the triangles of the polygon mesh. Geometry in Rhino 7 looks much, much better.

Latest Rhino 7:

Latest Rhino 8 WIP:

Latest Rhino 7:

Latest Rhino 8 WIP:

Latest Rhino 7:

Latest Rhino 8 WIP:

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